Easily transform repetitive tasks into Intelligent automated procedures!
Intelligent Automation – Automate your specific processes, regardless of your programming background. Novice users become Power users.
Increased Productivity – Eliminate manual routine processes, streamline workflow, improve productivity and make best use of resources.
Higher Quality of Control – Xllerate® documents processes, creating an auditable trail.
Compatible Interface – Xllerate® works with Microsoft® Access®, Outlook®, SQL Server®, Task Scheduler®, PeopleSoft®, Oracle®, MySQL®, and more.

Features and Benefits
No programming skills required
Measure ROI in days
Save time and improve productivity
Ensure high quality and reduce errors
Fully illustrated help manual
Custom training and consulting
Sample Solutions
By integrating with virtually any system, Xllerate® helps organizations standardize processes that, with the push of a button, analyze data, generate and distribute customized reports, and provide timely access to information.
Financial Reports
Do you need to accelerate or customize your financial reports? Xllerate® automates your reporting needs in a consistent and timely manner and allows the software to conform to your processes rather than forcing you to conform to the software.
Dashboards and Scorecards
Need to see your company’s data trended over a period of time? Xllerate® has ready made templates that will have your company on track and on target!
Account Analysis
How would you like to triple the output of your financial or accounting employees? With Xllerate®, users can automate the extraction of data, apply formulas, and business rules that highlight the areas needing review.
Treasury / Borrowing Base Certificates
Programs can be written and designed around business rules that meet your loan covenants. Simplify your audits by providing timely, consistent data.
Sales Reports
Xllerate® can automate the generation of reports so your salespeople can get back to doing what they do best! Reports previously only available weekly can now be generated daily or ad hoc with no additional overhead requirements.
Human Resource/Payroll Reports
How much time does your HR department spend preparing special reports in Excel? Let Xllerate® help you turn inundation into automation!
Outlook Interface
Xllerate® interfaces with Outlook and makes it possible to download your contact list, open attachments, store data and email files. Stop wasting time sending individual reports and let Xllerate® do the tedious work for you.
Workflow/Automated Notification
Xllerate® has the ability to execute “sniffer” programs (a “sniffer” is a program that monitors transactional traffic) that will query your databases periodically (ex. Once every 5 minutes, twice an hour, once a day, etc.) and notify an employee(s) that a time sensitive transaction has occurred.
Manufacturing / Quality Reports
Do you want your quality/production manager working on quality issues or data gathering? Xllerate® can automatically gather the quality and production stats you need with minimal effort, display the data in the manner you are accustomed to viewing and assist management in making timely decisions.
Access Databases
Sometimes your Excel spreadsheets are too big (have too many rows). You can easily move that information into an Access database (even if you do not own Access). You can also query any records you need from within Excel. Through an ODBC connection, Xllerate® interfaces with Access, making the insertion and extraction of data as simple as pushing a button.
SQL Database Query / Web Query
Xllerate®’s code uses an ODBC connection to connect with most major databases (PeopeSoft®, Oracle®, SQL Server®, MySQL®, Access, etc.) With this technology, users may automatically extract data from the database and continue the transformation of information from within an Excel spreadsheet. Additionally, Xllerate® has web querying capabilities.
Testing – New Systems / System Upgrades / Data Conversions
Many times, users are left to their own devices to test the accuracy of transactional data in data conversions, system upgrades, etc. This is often a labor intensive and error prone task. Xllerate® can assist users in the automation of the comparison of data from one system to another, making it possible to run multiple test cycles with the push of a button.
Upload Files
Normally, Excel attempts to either place quotes around all data elements (“Sn”, “67”, “74”) OR no quotes around any data elements (Sn, 67, 74). Xllerate® provides a solution to create upload files in the format you designate.
Text, PRN, CSV Files, & other types of Data Parsing
Xllerate® can help you format data into custom reports suited to your needs…all with the click of a button. Results will be available in seconds, not days. No more wasted time repeating the same steps over and over.
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Free Trial
- See how Xllerate® can improve your workflow and increase your profits!
Xllerate® 32-bit
- Match bit size with MS Office® version versus Windows OS.
Xllerate® 64-bit
- Match bit size with MS Office® version versus Windows OS.
Not sure which version of MS Office® Excel you have? Click here to find out.
Virtually any Excel task can be automated using Xllerate®.
Make repetitive tasks history.